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Air Purification

Cells' Oxygenation

As long as I breathe, I hope. Why is Air quality, respiration and cells’ oxygenation the first fundamental of one’s health ?

« Dum spiro, spero.
As long as i breathe, i hope. »

(Latin Proverb)

The best solutions to purify air.
Breathe better & gain vitality.
Deep oxygenation of your cells.

Learn how to breathe correctly. Ventilate and get rid of indoor pollutants. Purify, ionize and perfume your air with essential oils in a few seconds. Alternatively, opt for the most powerful air purifier on the market. Oxygenate your cells without oxidative stress. Gain vitality & boost your immune system.

Air pollution is the world's leading environmental health risk.

98% of Europeans breathe polluted air, resulting in 400,000 deaths a year in Europe.
More than 200,000 chemical substances are circulating in European air, 3/4 of them hazardous.
The inside pollution of our homes is, on average, ten times bigger than in the streets.
We all suffer more or less of hypoxia, a lack of oxygen at the cellular level.

Did you know ? In medicine or biology, the term "breathing" does not refer to pulmonary respiration through the lungs but the production of energy by the cells : cellular respiration! When cells are adequately oxygenated, metabolism functions correctly. Conversely, a state of hypoxia leads to fatigue and pathologies. A cell without access to oxygen dies. Yet each of our cells generates up to a billion biochemical reactions per second. That is why it is Essential to have quality cellular oxygenation!

Looking for the ultimate, most innovative products?
On the AIR subject, here is what is best!
Come to test them in Geneva...

Bol d’Air Jacquier Aero 2
Cellular oxygenation within 2-3 minutes only. Adjustable power, from athletes to the elderly. Energy boost via pine essential oil. 3442 euros excl. VAT.

The professional Bol d’Air Jacquier Aero 2 : practical cellular oxygenation within 2-3 minutes only with adjustable power.
Airnergy Professionnal Plus : deep cellular oxygenation via 21 minute session and gentle regeneration on a water basis.

Airnergy Professionnal Plus Compact
Cellular oxygenation via deep 21 minute session. Gentle regeneration on a water basis. Freedom of movement with nasal cannula. 5000 euros
excl. VAT.

Eolis Air Manager 600S ou 1200S
The benchmark for deep air purification. Professional certifications. Filter 99.997% of fine and ultra-fine particles (PM10-PM0.1). Prices on demand.

Eolis Air Manager : the benchmark for deep air purification with professional certifications and 99.997% filter capacity.

Contact me for a free assessment of YOUR needs
+41 (0)76 532 8838  Direct or WhatsApp

Benoît Saint Girons to help you to improve the quality of the air of your habitat and how to correctly oxygenate your cells.

The 3 problems and AIR solutions:


1. Our indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air. Household chemicals and all our “ventilate well after use” pollutants are to blame. Ban chemical air fresheners, charcoal incense and scented candles. In fact, we shouldn't burn anything in our home. Even wood in the fireplace emits dangerous particles of various tiny sizes.


Budget Ecological Solutions :

  • The room spray based on organic Pin d'Arolle Essential Oil (EO) perfumes, vitalizes, refreshes and purifies the air in a single "pschitt" (16.80 euros / 100ml).

  • The Air-Ion glass diffuser allows you to make your own mixture with a few drops of EO in a water base, which will be vitalized (CHF 18.-).

  • For a passive diffusion, the magnificent Cembra range uses wood chips and Arolle Pine EO. (from CHF 42.-)

There are many other brands and options to naturally purifying and perfume your air... No need for chemistry for that!

A room spray based on organic Pin d'Arolle Essential Oil perfumes, vitalizes, refreshes and purifies the air of the habitat.
The Air-Ion glass diffuser allows you to make your own essential oil complex in a water base. Refresh the air of your habitat
For a passive diffusion, the magnificent Cembra range uses wood chips and Arolle Pine Essential Oil. Perfume your air.

2. Considering the amount and number of all indoor pollutants (agglomerated furniture, carpeting, insecticides, household products, cosmetics, etc.) and the low rate of negative ions in the city (200/cm3 whereas the equilibrium threshold of health and good mood is 1500 / cm3), ventilate your rooms is not always enough...


Budget Ecological Solution: Glassware Essential oil diffusers deeply purify and ionize the air in just a few minutes per room. It projects indeed billions of beneficial microparticles. Breathing also has soothing, respiratory or energizing effects, depending on the essential oil complexes used, in addition to a natural and delicate fragrance!

​Complex of 100% organic and natural essential oils to purify, ionize and perfume the air of your habitat in a few minutes.
Glass diffuser of Essential Oils. Pebble diffuser with timer and flow adjustment, effective to purify and ionize the air.

Glass diffuser of Essential Oils


Pebble diffuser with timer and flow adjustment, effective up to 100 m2 - CHF 80.-

​Complex of 100% organic and natural essential oils from CHF 39.10 / 50ml.

See also the section CARE / AROMATHERAPY

Attention! The majority of “wellness” diffusers on the market don't do the job of purification properly. Essential Oils are not soluble in water and are denatured by heat. The only acceptable principle is nebulization, and the use of fine glassware is the only choice for proper nebulization.

Professional Solutions :

The Eolis Air Manager system is the qualitative benchmark. Communities and institutions (nurseries, schools, administrations), private companies (open spaces, hotel/restaurant sector, hairdressing/beauty salons, printer, gym, smoking room, etc.) and professionals in the medical sector trust it to guarantee healthy air, to the strictest standards! Filters 99.997% of fine and ultra-fine particles (PM10-PM0.1) and 99.6% of all Corona viruses from 60 to 200 nanometers in size.


Eolis Air Manager 60 et 120 m2  with or without Ozone desinfection

3 years warranty. DEMO IN GENEVA!

Sliding scale rates for Hotels, Hospitals, etc. according to configuration
Estimate after personalized evaluation.

Eolis Air Manager with or without Ozone disinfection to deeply purify the air of habitat, medical cabinet, hotel rooms,...
The Eolis Air Manager filters 99.997% of fine and ultra-fine particles (PM10-PM0.1) and 99.6% of all Corona viruses.
The Eolis Air Manager system is the qualitative benchmark to guarantee healthy air, to the strictest standards!

3. We breathe constantly but no one has ever really taught us how to do so properly. Pulmonary breathing (through the lungs) is too superficial. In fact, the term respiration refers in medicine or biology to cellular respiration: do our cells have enough oxygen or are they in a state of hypoxia? Deep abdominal breathing is the best but it is not always easy to do correctly.

The Ecologic Solution:

René Jacquier's Bol d'Air Tonic family model allows (almost) everyone to have access to cellular oxygenation at home. Unless you have access to a pine forest near home, this is the best way to fight stress and fatigue. It should be used several times per day to optimize the proper functioning of your cells and therefore your body as a whole.

Family Bol Air Tonic®

1440 euros excluding tax including 1/2 liter Orésine®

1550 euros HT with 4 litres + maintenance kit + book
Available in several colors.
Session of 3 to 9 minutes, several times a day

René Jacquier's Bol d'Air Tonic family model allows everyone to have access to cellular oxygenation at home and feel better.

  The Professional Solutions:

The Bol d'Air Aéro 2 is the quickest and most effective solution for oxygenating your cells in just a few minutes. A 3 minute session allows you to better assimilate oxygen for 3-4 hours.

Germany's Airnergy technology offers a single 21-minute session using catalysts and water. Cellular oxygenation has never been so pleasantly deep!


Bol Air Aéro2
3340 euros HT including 1/2 litre Orésine

3490 euros HT with 4 litres + maintenance kit + book

1 to 3 minute sessions, several times per day.

Airnergy® Professionnal Plus / 5000 euros HT
Airnergy® Travel Plus / 6900 euros HT

21 minute session, once a day.

How to decide ?
That's the whole point of expert independent advice!

But it is also possible to come and try...

Bol d’air Jacquier Professional Aero 2 model offers the best of cellular oxygenation in just a few minutes, for everyone.
Germany’s  Airnergy technology Professional Plus offers 21-minute deep cells’ oxygenation sessions using catalysts and water.
Airnergy Avant Garde Model in glass offers deep cellular oxygenation with a high-tech state-of-the-art esthetic design.
Sports enthusiasts love the Airnergy Travel Plus with lithium battery. Cellular oxygenation wherever your competition is.
“ I find my breath, it's beautiful...
The energy returns and the whole body benefits from it...
No more apneas and coughing fits... ”

The Essential's Appointment

3 AIR problems and 3 solutions... but other Essentials to deal with and a personal situation to take into consideration. We suggest that you come and see us in Geneva for a Relax'Air session followed by an analysis of your needs over a no stress about 2h session. Price of CHF 180.-, reimbursed in the event of adequate equipment purchase following advice. Possibility of buying certain products on the spot.

Relax’Air concept : cellular oxygenation, Psio glasses relaxation and water dynamization in synergy during a 30mn session.

Business Managers / HR Managers 

How can employees work well in a polluted air environment? As discussed above, the work environment has the same or more air polutants.  Taking into consideration the prevention of headaches and the vitality boost of employees in a few minutes, a change of air is always beneficial! What are the ultimate AIR solutions for the work place and your employees? An EOLIS purification or an Essential Oils HE pro diffuser, a Bol d'Air Jacquier Aéro 2 and/or a Relax'Air cabin. Contact us for détails !

Two Bol d’Air Jacquier side by side for a cellular oxygenation session without stress. The best way to get energy back!
A Relax’Air session on a professional chair : the ultimate relaxation at work or at home with airnergy and psio technologies.

Want to know (much) more about AIR
(in French so best to contact us)
Documents in pdf :
La qualité de l'air / Mieux respirer
Vidéos basic info : Les généralités sur l'air (6'29) Les 5 arnaques de l'air (3'22)
Vidéos solutions : Le vrai diffuseur d'HE (2'29) La technologie Airnergy (5'19) Le Bol d'Air Jacquier (4'59)

Blog Article : Comment mieux respirer

Exhaustive information web site :

© - Benoît Saint Girons

Essentials8: Air, quality Water, Electromagnetic Waves' Protection,...
Tél: +41 (0)76 532 8838 (free WhatsApp call possible) - Email:

Information and prices (in euros excl. VAT) given are subject to change without  prior notice.
Any chronic pathology would require a registered doctor guidance and/or prescription.

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