"It goes without saying: we are in bad shape because we mistreat the water. Let's improve its quality and we will all feel much better!"
Water Quality, Ed. Médicis, 2020
The largest choice of solutions to filter and dynamize your water.
Biocompatible water and limestone management for the whole house.
The pleasure of drinking natural water!
First Part (22 min)
The concept of "drinkability"
The biggest water scandal
The real qualitative criteria
The 2 myths to overcome
The Faucet-Plastic Match
2nd Part (20 min)
The best water possible
Step 1: filtration
Step 2: dynamization
Some Solutions
Avoid scams
WARNING: It's hard not to drown under the large number of water solutions, with each manufacturer offering "the best product". Marketing scams and scandals are numerous. Our rigorous selection, among a dozen different manufacturers, is independent and therefore much more objective.
This page aims to improve your understanding of water and to help you select the best solution: the one adapted to your situation and your budget. The objective is to rediscover the pleasure of drinking water and, therefore, improve your hydration via truly biocompatible water.
Properly hydrate your body and optimize your vitality. Drink with pleasure structurally softer and energetic water. Enhance your teas and coffees. Respect your skin, shower after shower. Get rid of plastic bottles by replacing them with truly biocompatible water. Save money and help protect the planet!
Water represents about 97% of the molecules in our cells but doctors are not trained about water.
Chlorine is a very oxidizing chemical treatment, resulting in dryness and irritation of the skin.
Tap water, which is alkaline and oxidized, does not allow for proper hydration.
The potability guidelines are in constant qualitative decline and does not truly protect consumers.
Tap or bottled water are deprived of almost all energy.
Did you know? We human are heterotrophic, that is to say unable to correctly assimilate the inorganic minerals in water. We do not lick stones! When in excess (above 500 mg/L.), those minerals can eventually clog up our bodies, in particular our kidneys. Bottled mineral water is therefore useless, plastic as a bonus! On the other hand, pure water does not truly exist (and would be problematic), which is why we prefer to speak of "clean" water.
Looking for the ultimate? Most innovative products?
On the WATER subject, here is what is best!
Single point of water: Fountain Osmosis Déli-Pure
This very clever osmosis fountain can be installed in 5 minutes. It features permanent dynamization in the reservoir and wastes only 1L for every 4L of water produced. 1,358 euros excl. VAT.
Therapeutic Supplement: Idrogen
Far from the made in China gadgets, the little Idrogen box remains the benchmark for obtaining highly antioxidant water with exceptional hydration power. 416 euros excl. VAT.
Full house water supply: Biofilter + Biodynamizer
The nec plus ultra system for your whole house: clean water, energy equivalent to mountain spring water and intelligent limescale management! 3376 euros excl. VAT. incl. -5% SolutionsBio discount.
Contact me for a free assessment of YOUR needs
+41 (0)76 532 8838 Direct or WhatsApp

“I bought an XX fountain a year ago but it's been an absolute failure. First because I didn't listen to your recommendations, but rather those of the French seller. [...] I ended up selling it second-hand. Can you still give me a solution?” (Catherine B., May 2023)
It costs nothing to contact me...
but it can be expensive not to!
The 3 problems and WATER solutions:
1. The harsh treatments of tap water (chlorine, ozone, etc.) oxidizes it and turns it into a very irritating water on the skin, hence the need for lotions and creams (most often full of chemicals). Professionnals often blame limescale in order to sell scandalous sodium softeners although chlorine is the real culprit!
► The Ecologic Solution: The geothermal shower modifies the structure of the water and makes it much softer, cleansing and moisturizing. You no longer need lotions nor creams.
Geothermal shower, "Swiss" design - 98 euros excl. VAT.
The most ecological and energetic shower on the market!
A grid (in the shape of a flower of life) with 432 micropores.
3 long-lasting minerals (more than 2 years) and 2 Platon's stones.
There are multiple cheap models on the market but the result will not be the same...
Testimonials: Incredible, in one week, I no longer have eczema! ... My son's skin problems are noticeably alleviated... Voluminous jet flowing, invigorating and soft water... Makes the skin really soft... Less need for moisturizer... Very pleasant shower. It's like being under a waterfall. And how soft it is for the skin ... Excellent product. Recommended... A little marvel... The whole family loves... This shower is pure pleasure. The skin remains very soft, even without cream, and significantly less irritation. I feel relaxed and energized at the same time, it's great!
When we finally understand the impact of chlorine on the skin, it becomes difficult to continue drinking this same oxidized water. Young children and animals instinctively refuse chlorinated water from the tap... before having no choice... and then not drinking enough water!
► The Ecological Solution: A filtration system based on activated carbon will remove chlorine and most of the other pollutants. A simple dynamization system restores softness and energy to the water. Hydration then becomes much more pleasant and we discover with surprise that we no longer have difficulty drinking 1.5 liters of water every day.
Filter on tap - models from 30 to 150 euros.
Many models available in stores.
Self installation in just a few minutes.
Alladin Glass Carafe
1.3L with gold flower of life - 58 euros excl. VAT.
A magnificent object to energize and pay tribute to water.
Available in different sizes, shapes and "flower of life" colors.
Vortex jug - 265 euros excl. VAT.
A vortex of centripetal force to restructure water in 3 or 7 minutes...
Silver-plated propeller, eco-friendly plastic, rechargeable lithium battery and 3 programs!
Testimonials: CARAFE: Incredible how good my water has become, it's a magnificent carafe but the most is the energy and vitality it gives back to the water... I recommend it to people who care about their health... The whole family loves the "singing" carafe as it is called. The taste is different, even children feel a difference and enjoy drinking... VORTEX: Water very pleasant to drink and as if "cleaned" by the vortex... At the first sip, the aftertaste of chlorine has disappeared, the water is light and pleasant. We find ourselves drinking more... I use it a lot for my baby's bottles, but also for the whole family and even to water the plants in the house... Brilliant... Fascinating... Amazing... The water has never been so good... My body is crying out for it all day...
2. Alkaline (few proton ions H+) and oxidized (few electrons) tap water is unable to provide us with the required natural energy. In Vincent's Bio-Electronics (BEV), the "science of water", this low quality water corresponds to the terrain that includes cancers, viruses and vaccines, very far from the parameters of real biocompatible water. Bottled mineral water is also devitalized.
► The ecologic solution: A reverse osmosis fountain combining the most efficient filtration system (at 0.0001 µm) along with an efficient dynamization system allows you to produce the best quality water: low mineral content, slightly acidic (pH < 7) and antioxidant (rH2 < 28). Those are the best possible physico-chemical properties for an everyday drinking water, superior to the majority of plastic bottled water. Enjoy substantial savings and optimized hydration!
Versatile osmosis without dyn. - 624 euros excl. VAT.
Direct flow osmosis (tankless) - 817 euros excl. VAT.
Déli Pure Fountain + dyn - 1358 euros excl. VAT.
Mascardi with dynamized under-sink reservoir - 1690 euros
Other models available but a discussion is always necessary
to find the best model suited to your needs and budget.
Attention! Filter jugs offer minimal filtration by using granules of activated carbon. Because of the risk for massive release of pollutants, the filter has to be changed very regularly. At room temperature a microbial proliferation will also occur in stagnant water. Overall, any filtration system with a tank which does not include a proper dynamization, has a potential for bacterial proliferation. Some systems also make the water more alkaline, therefore less energetic (fewer protons). Finally, beware of marketing exaggerations, such as analysis of filtration quality, as in the case of the Berkey filters scandal.
3. Softeners are not filters. They aim to remove limescale by removing calcium and magnesium to replace it with... sodium! Microbial proliferation is another problem. A study conducted by a Swiss Laboratory in March 2017 demonstrated that the number of micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi) in drinking water at least doubled for 86% of the softeners they tested! Additionnally, softeners sytems are often incorrectly adjusted, creating a risk for pipe corrosion. In short, softeners are the worst solution, rated -20/20 in our book!
► The Ecologic Solution: An integral system for an intelligent limescale management that transforms limescale into aragonite. Additionnaly, deep revitalization of the water via vortex, magnetism and natural minerals frequencies. All this resulting in a truly biocompatible water with an energy equivalent to spring water: pleasure of drinking, optimized hydration and a noticeable gain in vitality!
x4 Filters Holder incl. KDF
All in one ecological and economical solution.
From 538 euros excl. VAT.
Several dynamization options possibles.
BioFiltre + Biodynamizer
Simply the best solution for the house
3376 euros excl. VAT incl. -5% discount.
The best rating of the book with +18/20 !
Want to know more?
The point on your needs?
Contact the expert Benoît Saint Girons
at +41 76 532 8838 (call back possible)
“The water is great and makes you want to drink more with pleasure.
I noticed that my skin is less dry. Only good positive things! ”
The Essential's Appointment
3 WATER problems and 3 solutions... but other Essentials to deal with and a personal situation to take into consideration. We suggest that you come and see us in Geneva for a Relax'Air session followed by an analysis of your needs over a no stress about 2h session. Price of CHF 180.-, reimbursed in the event of adequate equipment purchase following advice. Possibility of buying certain products on the spot.

Business manager / HR Actions ?
Not only is a water fountain potentially a nest of germs but the 5 gallons bottled water in plastic is also bulky, polluting and expensive. Replacing it with an integrated reverse osmosis + dynamization system makes good sense and means that your employees will finally be properly hydrated. Even better since more practical, an integral system on the company's main water supply or the creation of a biocompatible water source. Contact us for more details.

To know (much) more on WATER:
(Mostly in French so best to contact us)
The book Quality of Water de Benoît Saint Girons (Ed. Medicis, 2020, 218 pages)
Tutorials Vidéos: The real quality of water (21'58) & The practical solutions (19'54)
Pdf documents : L'eau et la vie / Une eau propre et vivante / La Bioélectronique
Comparative pdf documents : Habitat Solutions / Enterprises Solutions
The Blog: La qualité de l'eau
Exhaustive information web site : www.eaunaturelle.ch