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Essentials Oils All Inclusive Box


« To get back in touch with nature, take control of your health and optimize your immune system, it's time to make the choice of essential oils! »

Discover the power and effectiveness of essential oils (EO).
Apply simple recipes for stress-free aromatherapy.
The 20 most effective EOs for all common pathologies.

NO, aromatherapy is not complicated and NO, Essential Oils are not dangerous... as long as you don't get the wrong book or method! Unnecessarily complicating things is common which limits the use of EOs instead of chemical drugs, which are far more problematic... Overall, all natural therapies should be favored as a first resort, and French School Aromatherapy (not to be confused with Anglo-Saxon Aromachology) is one of the most effective in this regard.

Access the world's most powerful natural substances. Take care of your skin and hair in the most effective natural way. Relieve your symptoms quickly and without side effects. Strengthen your immune system. Prevent infectious diseases for the whole family. Take control of your health. Replace the chemicals in your pharmacy with a box of essential oils, while saving money and protecting the planet!

An essential oil contains on average a hundred active ingredients, compared with one for synthetic drug.
There are as many active ingredients in one drop of EO as in 100 liters of herbal tea...
EOs have a tropism effect, strengthening the immune system as a whole.
All common pathologies can be rapidly treated with EOs, without side effects.

No bacteria is resistant to EOs in synergy (unlike “anti-life” antibiotics).

Did you know ?  Every year synthetic drugs claim hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide and cause millions of days of hospitalization... How many due to essential oils?  EOs receive bad press because their effectiveness questions allopathic medicine... and because they can't be patented for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies. Hence the financial interest in scaremongering about their pseudo-dangerousness... A doctor criticizes essential oils?  He either knows nothing about them or has a conflict of interest!

Contact me for a free assessment of YOUR needs
+41 (0)76 532 8838  Direct or WhatsApp


The 3 problems and AROMATHERAPY solutions:


1. Most books on essential oils (EO) unnecessarily complicate matters with complex recipes for 4 to 6 EOs in 2 or 3 HVs... not to mention the mistakes! On-line sales sites opportunistically “discover” very exotic EOs that are miraculous... but impossible to find anywhere else... Journalists and doctors forbid the use of pure EO on the skin or in ingestion, the idea being for the recipes not to be too effective...


The Ecological Solution :

Our book Le choix des huiles essentielles (Editions Jouvence, 3rd edition, in French) is both practical and militant. Follow correctly, it's very easy to use EOs for the whole family (including young children) without side effects. The 20 selected EOs are all scientifically documented and available. The recipes, expressed in drops, include a maximum of 3 EO in one HV... for real easy effectiveness!


Book Le choix des huiles essentielles: 9,7 euros
Dédicated from Benoît Saint Girons on request.


Testimonies ! "Blown away by this little book, clear, educational, very accessible even to beginners [...] The best book on essential oils [...] Very clear and complete [...] Thorough and practical! [...] Perfect! Simple, very didactic, full of good advice and common sense. Lots of humor too! [...] A must-have for beginners and beyond! This little book is big on wisdom and knowledge [...] A gold mine! Simple and comprehensive [...] An indispensable book for those who want to try essential oils. [...] If you only read one.... read this one!"

2. A gentle start. Essential oils, loaded with active ingredients, are naturally destined to replace most of chemical cosmetics, which are often harmful to the skin. These big brands creams - “because you're willing to be fooled” - are essentially composed of water, with less than 1% active ingredient. Marketing dares to promote anything, and that's how you recognize it!

The Ecological Solution : According to cosmetics expert Rita Stiens (author of the book The Truth on Cosmetics), the “real luxury in cosmetics” is to combine organic Rose Hip vegetable oil (HV) with anti-wrinkle Rose essential oil. The first cosmetic step, however, would be to check the quality of the water, which should neither irritate nor dry out the skin, data that contradict chlorinated tap water.

1st cosmetic step: moisturize your skin with quality water.
Swiss-designed geothermal shower head
2nd cosmetic step: protect and regenerate your skin:
Farfalla organic vegetable oils
3rd cosmetic step: truly active ingredients!
Farfalla organic essential oils

Skin and hair care set - 288 euros
Set “Luxe” with HV Rose Hip and HE Rose - 368 euros
12% discount on the unit price.

3. Essential oils can replace 90% of synthetic medicines. Their specificity lies in their powerful action, which often makes them much more effective in symptomatic treatment than their chemical equivalents. Headaches, fevers, digestive problems, aches and pains, infections, gynecological concerns. Nothing resists essential oils!


The Ecological Solution :

EO “all-in-one” set 368 euros excl. VAT
Glass diffuser + Complex 50ml + Practical book
+ The 20 EOs in the book + 1 Organic HV + wooden box for 20 EOs.
14% discount on the unit price.
Aromatherapy Expert Set with 36 oils at 536 euros excl. VAT

Caution! The HEBBD (HE botanically and biochemically defined) or HECT (HE chemotyped) labels are “marketing” labels that mean nothing. An essential oil in aromatherapy (French school) is always precisely defined according to its active principles for therapeutic use (on the skin or ingested). This is not to be confused with the English school of aromachology, which studies the influence of odors and, therefore, won't necessarily specify the type of thyme or rosemary. As for quality, a plant fed on pesticides (non-organic quality) will naturally not have the same energy as a wild mountain plant...

The 20 Essential Oils of the All-Inclusive Box:

The 8 “Generalist” essential oils, with multiple uses and properties:
Rosewood, gentleness for all children, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic
Lemon, versatile disinfectant, Farfalla, 10 ml, Organic
Laurier noble, anti-degeneration, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic
True lavender, the first of oils, Farfalla, 10 ml, Organic “grand cru
Peppermint, the fresh painkiller, Farfalla, 10 ml, Organic “grand cru
Ravintsara, the solution to viruses, Farfalla, 5 ml, Bio “grand cru
Tea-tree, the universal anti-infective, Farfalla, 10 ml, Sauvage
Thyme linalol, the (gentle) EO for infections, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic

The 12 “specialist” oils :
Tropical basil, the EO for tension, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic “grand cru
Cypress evergreen, the EO for circulation, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic
Black spruce, recharges the body, Nabio, 5 ml, Organic
Eucalyptus citronné, EO for inflammation, Farfalla, 10 ml, Organic “grand cru
Eucalyptus radiata, EO for the respiratory tract, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic
Rose Geranium, the balancing EO, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic “grand cru
Helichrysum, the EO for trauma, Farfalla, 1ml, Organic
Niaouli, EO for bad vibes, Farfalla, 10 ml, Organic
Petit grain bigarade, the anti-stress EO, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic
Rosemary verbenone, Liver EO, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic
Clary sage, EO for women, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic

Ylang-Ylang, sensuality through the skin, Farfalla, 5 ml, Organic “grand cru

Apricot Kernel EO Farfalla, 75 ml, Organic

Our book Le Choix des Huiles Essentielles, the practical reference!

Other EOs for the set available on request


The Essential Appointment

3 AROMA problems and 3 solutions... but other fundamentals to deal with and a personal situation to consider. We suggest you come and see us in Geneva for a Relax'Air session followed by a stress-free analysis of your needs over about 2h. Price: CHF 180, reimbursed if you have the right equipment. You can also leave with certain products.


Benefits for the company manager/HR?
Understanding essential oils enables your employees to take good care of their health and vitality, resulting in less stress (especially for children) and lower absenteeism. In atmospheric diffusion (see AIR section), essential oils purify and ionize the air in depth.

Find out (much) more about AROMATHERAPY:

(in French so best to contact us)
Practical pdf document: Essential... oils!
Our book Le Choix des Huiles Essentielles, Editions Jouvence
Comprehensive information website:


© - Benoît Saint Girons

Essentials8: Air, quality Water, Electromagnetic Waves' Protection,...
Tél: +41 (0)76 532 8838 (free WhatsApp call possible) - Email:

Information and prices (in euros excl. VAT) given are subject to change without  prior notice.
Any chronic pathology would require a registered doctor guidance and/or prescription.

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