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High Vitality Nutrition

Low Temperature Cooking
Best Food Supplements

"Let your diet be your best medicine" (Hippocrates)

Apply the simple rules of high-vitality nutrition.
Respect the nutrients and vitamins through gentle low temperature cooking.
Vitalize your fruit and produce your own "food supplements".

WARNING: Nutrition is the “first medicine” according to Hippocrates, however the priority remains the quality of your hydration. “What's the point of eating organic food if my water quality isn't good enough?" Well, it's better to eat organic too, given the scams and excesses of junk food... The quality of our cooking, of our food supplements and of our eating pleasures are also dependent on our water quality!  See WATER section.


Fill up on nutrients and vitamins. Eat fewer calories while feeling fuller. Rediscover the taste and pleasure of real food thanks to gentle cooking. Cook without fat, salt nor stress. Drink your food supplements and fight free radicals. Prioritize quality over quantity and reach a new energy level.

On the whole, we eat too much, but we also eat very badly...
Nutritionists often serve industrial interests by making things unnecessarily complex...
Industrial junk food has the taste and texture of artificial flavors and chemical additives...
The biggest scandal in junk food remains the conditions in which animals are raised and slaughtered.
Intensive marketing has to be financed, and is paid for by lower nutritional quality.

Did you know ?  The primary merit of organic food is not so much that it provides more vitamins (40% more antioxidants in fruit and vegetables, for example) and real nutrients, but rather that it limits the side effects of industrial additives and refined practices (white sugar, white flour, white salt, etc.) used in junk food. On the budget side, organic food makes it asier to eat less meat, dairy products, sweets and fake promotions... The higher cost also corresponds to the higher quality of the real ingredients used.

Contact me for a free assessment of YOUR needs
+41 (0)76 532 8838  Direct or WhatsApp


The 3 problems and NUTRITION solutions:


1. Primum non nocere, first do no harm. What's the point of buying quality food (ideally organic) if all its nutrients are destroyed in a microwave oven or in a carcinogenic Teflon® frying pan (PFAS which are then found in drinking water) frying pan, which reaches 250ºC after just a few minutes' cooking... Vitamins and enzymes start to be distroyed at 50-60°C...


The Ecological Solution : Low-temperature cooking with an integrated thermometer preserves the nutrients and vitality of food. With no salt, water or fat, it is a healthier tastier cooking that brings pleasure back into the kitchen. The end of the cooking is done with the stovetop switched off (the thermo-diffuser bottom stores heat) providing for a stress-free, economical preparation.


Several brands offer thermometer and 18/10 stainless steel

The thickness of the thermo-diffuser that stores heat is a key element.

Price is a bit stiff (around 150-300 euros per element) but you usually

get a lifetime warranty.

Warning ! "Soft steam” (from a certain ‘Vitalizer’, for example) is not all that soft. Steam requires boiling, and water becomes gaseous at over 90°C!   Steam also continuously washes food and precipitates nutrients into the water, to the detriment of its nutritional value and its final taste! Additionaly, it's always a bad idea to boil unfiltered chlorinated water...

2. All vitality foods (grass juices, algae, sprouted seeds, sourdough wholemeal bread, fresh organic fruit & vegetables, lacto-fermented products, etc.) are slightly acidic and antioxidant. According to Vincent Bioelectronics (BEV) measurements, rH2 levels range from 4 to 15. On the other hand, industrial, canned or non-organic foods are oxidizing, with measurements between 28 and 35. Antioxidants help combat the free radicals responsible for aging and degenerative diseases...


The Ecological Solution : Hydrogenated water is the most antioxidant water in the world, with an rH2 level of between 5 and 10 - better than some high-vitality foods!  With no change in pH and the benefit of thousands of scientific studies, no side effects have been reccorded. Water with a low mineral content (limited to 150 mg/liter) should be used, ideally obtained using a home reverse osmosis unit.


Idrogen 3rd generation device (membrane, not electrodes) : 416 euros excl. VAT
Suitable for all bottles, but recommended with Biophotonic 0.5L glass bottles.
Beware of low-end devices made in China, with harmful bad taste.

Fiche technologie Idrogen (pdf)

Kangen Alkaline Ionized Water ? A Japanese approach promises near-miraculous antioxidant effects but, by drastically altering the pH towards much higher alkalinity (and therefore much less proton activity), creating a potentially dangerous water (in the medium term) that should not be considered without medical supervision and never as daily drinking water. Hydrogenated water boasts the same antioxidant benefits, but without any side effects. Be careful therefore not to confuse alkaline with alkalinizing... A slight acidity is what you should be looking for in quality water.

3. Nutrition should remain a pleasure, and most foods are rich in water!  That's why fruit should be eaten outside mealtimes, in order not to slow down digestion. Hence the importance of choosing organic produce and of revitalizing them before consumption. The most enlightened and conscientious craftsmen are even starting to integrate water filtration and dynamization into their manufacturing processes... Because if the water isn't good, the product is bound to be mediocre!  See the WATER section.


The Pleasure Solution : The first Belgian craft beer with energized water: organic hops, double top fermentation, floral elixirs, vitality preserved in the bottle... An uncompromisingly different beer for communicative pleasure validated by Belgian experts!

Energy plate to energize fruit and vegetables: CHF 48.-

Houblonde® energized Belgian craft beer
A unique beer, refreshing and vitalizing, with no bitterness.
To be enjoyed with pleasure and moderation.

Can be sampled and tested in Belgium and Geneva
More information on

The Essentials' Appointment

3 NUTRITION problems and 3 solutions... but other fundamentals to deal with and a personal situation to take into consideration. We suggest you come and see us in Geneva for a Relax'Air session followed by an analysis of your needs over about 2h, without stress. Price of CHF 180.-, reimbursed in the event of adequate equipment following advice. Possibility of leaving with certain products... including some beers !


Business manager / HR Actions ?

Adopting gentle cooking in the company restaurant is the best way to improve the flavour and nutritional quality of dishes and employees' appreciation. Producing therapeutic water would help prevent pathologies and thus absenteeism, however, ensuring the quality of tap water should be the first priority. As for the quality of a beer, it would obviously put everyone in a good mood!

To know (much) more about NUTRITION:

(but in French so best to contact us)
Document pdf : La nutrition et la vitalité

Technologies pdf : La gamme Bahya culinaire / La technologie Idrogen / La technologie Oli-dyn
Blog's article : Les 3 meilleurs conseils nutritionnels 

Exhaustive information website :

© - Benoît Saint Girons

Essentials8: Air, quality Water, Electromagnetic Waves' Protection,...
Tél: +41 (0)76 532 8838 (free WhatsApp call possible) - Email:

Information and prices (in euros excl. VAT) given are subject to change without  prior notice.
Any chronic pathology would require a registered doctor guidance and/or prescription.

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